When We're Singin'

YOU are all so amazing. THANK YOU.

1970s, David Cassidy, Partridge Family Music, Partridge Family TV ShowJohn Miller1 Comment

Last night I sat on my computer planning the final offer I was going to put up for the campaign. Suddenly I found myself engaged in watching the numbers move, slowly but steadily,  almost moment by moment. It became very exciting. 

Other than the last month, I have not been one to engage is social media very much. But there I was, completely captivated. I was watching friends of mine who I haven't seen since High School  coming on to my backer list. Friends from my young childhood neighborhood, my community and neighboring communities, to my current neighborhood. I started thinking about the others who have come on through the month--friends from my film days, my theatre days, my airline days, even my young days from my very first job in fast food!  My college life-guarding days, days of summer stock, and post-college days when we made our gritty, low-budget independent films in Cleveland,  Boston and Dallas. To my surprise I watched some of those great songwriters and singers, musicians, producers and performers who I interviewed for this book--and expected nothing more from--coming on board to back us. And then there are all of those impassioned Partridge Family and David Cassidy fans who, like me, have wanted a book about this music for a very, very long time.  You were there.

All of you  are testament to what can be accomplished when people work together and pull together. In the big scheme of life, our little book is just a spec. But it's an important spec to us, and to all those Partridge Family and David Cassidy fans that just want to celebrate and bring credibility to a body of music that has deserved it for 45 years. This music is as important to music history, TV history, and our own quiet solitude at the end of the day, as anything else in life that brings a little contentment. 

You are part of making something happen that will live on in the libraries of music history long past our time together on this earth. You have made something possible that does the world a little good--you are making people happy.  

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart to my mangled fingers that have been typing non-stop for thirty days, to my six ulcers that I'd like to think are temporary to the month of May. Now on to the next phase. 

Since we still have two days left (finishing at 10PM Sunday), I am going to put up the final photo offer from Henry Diltz and also make the previous photos available again-along with a few other surprises. Anything that comes in from this point forward will go towards increasing the production level of photos and photo pages planned for the book, as well as tossing some money toward the professionals who donated their time to this book, simply because of  the music. 

"There's nothing better than bein' together.." ..right? ..."WHEN WE'RE SINGIN'."  (yeah, I know, I know... I couldn't resist!)

-Johnny Ray Miller