A book signing will be held this Sunday, October 8th in Foxburg, PA at the 14th annual Foxburg Festival. The signing is 11AM -6PM with plenty of food vendors and other attractions. Hope to see some of you! Here's the link if you'd like to check it out: http://foxburgfestival.com/
shirley jones
70s Music, David Cassidy, Partridge FamilyCommentA big thanks to all of you for supporting the event at the HOF on Tuesday. The experience is something I will always remember. Thanks to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame for hosting the event and believing in "When We're Singin'". We are lucky to have such an international landmark in our own back yard. Special thanks to all the David Cassidy and Partridge Family fans who turned out, and especially to my friends and family. Got Happy. :)
Interview with Stan Turner, KLBB Radio, St. Paul/Minneapolis, July 27th at 1PM!
70s Music, David CassidyCommentThe Partridge bus is gassing up again! I'll be doing a radio interview tomorrow, July 26 with Stan Turner on KLBB Radio out of St. Paul/Minneapolis. (and I have some exciting news to share, too!) Hope some of you can tune in :) I'll be on from 1:00PM - 1:30PM (CENTRAL TIME!) on their afternoon show called "The Wolf Brewing Company All Request Show with Stan Turner and Bobby J." Check out the station @KLBBRadio.com http://klbbradio.com/wolfbrewingallrequest.aspx
Talking with Gary Rivers on The Gary Rivers show, WHBC Canton, OH!
Danny Bonaduce, Partridge Family TV Show, David CassidyCommentI sat down with Gary Rivers at News-Talk Radio, 1480 WHBC yesterday to talk about WHEN WE'RE SINGIN' and we had a blast! During the interview he challenges Danny Bonaduce with Donny Osmond who claims he really won that fight years ago! Lots of fun...Check it out: http://www.whbc.com/canton-native-pens-first-book-chronicles-70s-partridge-family-phenomenon/
There's also a video version available on the site, too!
with Gary Rivers, on The Gary Rivers Show, WHBC, Canton OH.
Book Signing at MUGGSWIGZ COFFEE AND TEA CO., Canton, OH, Saturday, May 20!
1970s, David Cassidy, Partridge FamilyComment'll be at MUGGSWIGZ COFFEE AND TEA CO. this Saturday, May 20 from 10am -2pm for a book signing at the downtown location! Hope to see some Canton friends! Muggswigz Coffee & Tea Co. 137 Walnut Ave. NE, Canton, OH 44702
Happy Birthday, David.....and THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
1970s, 70s Music, David Cassidy, Partridge Family, Partridge Family TV Show1 CommentHAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID...and Thanks! Today is David Cassidy's 67th Birthday. And if you think that's old, then think about how old we are as fans! ha! Here are a few shots backstage with David and the book at his Feb. 18th concert. Hey, David--a million times a billion thank-yous for your support. And above all....happy, happy Birthday!
IN PRAISE OF THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY - a feature story in the Vindicator!
70s Music, Cassidy Concerts, Celebrity Photos, Danny Bonaduce, David Cassidy, Partridge Family, Shirley Jones, Susan Dey, Suzanne Crough, Brian ForsterCommentA couple weeks ago, I appeared on Youngstown's WFMJ Midday news with anchor Jennifer Brindisi. Immediately afterword, I was called by the Vindicator, who wanted to put together a feature story on the book. The article ran today. Here's a scan of the hard copy, and I've also included the full article from the online version as well. Here's the link: http://bit.ly/2kIh3tq
Danny Tweets Again! "Come On Get Happy"
70s Music, 1970s, Danny Bonaduce, David Cassidy, Partridge Family, Partridge Family Music, Shirley Jones, Susan Dey, Suzanne Crough, Wrecking CrewCommentHey Gang! Danny's on a roll! His Latest tweet: "Brought my lunch to work in this today. What the hell? Come on Get Happy!"
Celebrating a TV and Music legacy...Spread the word..WhenWereSingin.com! Follow Danny on Twitter @theDoochMan. Follow David Cassidy on Twitter @DavidbCassidy!
Everyone on the bus! :)
The Kickstarter Campaign Has Officially Launched!
70s Music, David Cassidy, Partridge Family Bus, Partridge Family Music, Partridge Family TV ShowCommentWell, here we are, gang! I hope you are as excited as I am!
The Campaign has been launched within moments of this blog post! We have till May 31 to reach our goal!
We have an exciting 30 days ahead of us, and I hope that you will all join me on the wild bus ride to get this book published and on the shelves for Partridge Family fans, music fans, and fans of classic television!
In the next 30 days, you, the fans, will decide whether this book gets published. Here's the link that will take you over to our page on Kickstarter.com or you can go to Kickstarter.com and search for us by using the title of the book, When We're Singin' The Story of The Partridge Family and Their Music. It's time to have some fun on the campaign trail!
"Come on now, and meet everybody....and hear us singin!" Right?