When We're Singin'

Ron Hicklin

24 Hour Offer--Get Ron Hicklin's Hand-Written Session Notes!

1970s, 70s Music, Announcements, Cassidy Concerts, David Cassidy, Kickstarter, Partridge Family Music, Musicians, Partridge Family TV Show, Screen Gems Records, Wrecking CrewJohn Miller1 Comment

Ron Hicklin, one of the 4 real background vocalists for The Partridge Family, also contracted all of the Partridge Family sessions with the other vocalists! These notes contain  details of every single recording session laid down by The Partridge Family, in Ron's own hand-writing! Every song from every album and TV episode is documented here, and even more exciting--the unreleased songs are also documented!

A photo of Volume 6-C of the Screen Gems Records given to the cast to learn the music! Not included in this offer.

A photo of Volume 6-C of the Screen Gems Records given to the cast to learn the music! Not included in this offer.

As part of our campaign to publish "When We're Singin'" we are offering you a copy of Ron Hicklin's session notes! Open up a pledge in the next 24 hours for $35 or more, and  you will receive the hand-written notes as a premium reward! For current backers, the offer is discounted at $30! Offer expires on May 20th, 2015 at the stroke of midnight!

Hop on the bus here, and let's publish "When We're Singin' - The Partridge Family and Their Music." 


Meet the REAL Partridge Family Background Singers!

1970s, David Cassidy, Kickstarter, Partridge Family Bus, Partridge Family Music, Partridge Family TV ShowJohn Miller2 Comments

Ron Hicklin, Jackie Ward, John and Tom Bahler were the real voices behind The Partridge Family, and some say the four best session vocalists in the industry. Many insiders feel that there was no one else who could have handled the intense work needed to complete the Partridge Family albums, and When We’re Singin’ details the thoughts and memories of each of these legendary vocalists as told in their own words!