When We're Singin'

Rick Segall

Happy Birthday, David.....and THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

1970s, 70s Music, David Cassidy, Partridge Family, Partridge Family TV ShowJohn Miller1 Comment

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID...and Thanks! Today is David Cassidy's 67th Birthday. And if you think that's old, then think about how old we are as fans! ha! Here are a few shots backstage with David and the book at his Feb. 18th concert. Hey, David--a million times a billion thank-yous for your support.  And above all....happy, happy Birthday! 

The Kickstarter Campaign Has Officially Launched!

70s Music, David Cassidy, Partridge Family Bus, Partridge Family Music, Partridge Family TV ShowJohn MillerComment

Well, here we are, gang! I hope you are as excited as I am! 

The Campaign has been launched within moments of this blog post! We have till May 31 to reach our goal! 

We have an exciting 30 days ahead of us, and I hope that you will all join me on the wild bus ride to get this book published and on the shelves for  Partridge Family fans, music fans, and fans of classic television!

In the next 30 days, you, the fans, will decide whether this book gets published. Here's the link that will take you over to our page on Kickstarter.com or you can go to Kickstarter.com and search for us by using the title of the book, When We're Singin' The Story of The Partridge Family and Their Music. It's time to have some fun on the campaign trail! 

"Come on now, and meet everybody....and hear us singin!"  Right?


Thinking about Suzanne

Partridge Family TV Show, 70s MusicJohn MillerComment

Dear friends,

As the day has worn on, I have been unable to do anything but think about Suzanne Crough and her family. It is all quite shocking and devastating. Before I could bring myself to continue promotion on the book, I felt the need to take this extra day of silence, if you will, in memory of Suzanne.

When I first met Suzanne, she was like talking to an old friend. She had that way about her. She was instantly personable and casual. Some years later, I saw her an an autograph show, and to my surprise, she remembered me. The photo I have posted here is the one in which Suzanne signed for me that very day. Coincidentally, it was this particular day that I spoke with her about my interest in doing a book. It was just a seed in the back of my mind at the time, but she  encouraged me to follow through with it. Flash forward a couple years.

When Suzanne spoke with me on the phone during our interviews, she was that same instantly casual, fun, sincere person I had met several years before. She still had that very broad sense of humor--the kind that makes you not just laugh out loud, but ROAR out loud! It is one of the things I will remember most about her. It isn't something I wrote about in the book because it is more of my own personal memory. But I find myself wanting to share it with all of you.  

One time we spoke while she was in her car, and she had to put me on hold because she said she was at the Starbucks Drive-Thru. It just made me laugh for some reason. Once again, there was that quality she possessed that made you feel like you were talking with your closest of friends. She had the ability to make you feel very special.

I have no photos of The Partridge Family framed or hanging on my wall, but this photo is going to be my first. In the days and months to come,  let's continue to wish the best for her family as we all remember her with our hearts.

Johnny Ray Miller


The Youngest of Memories

70s Music, Partridge Family TV Show, pop bandsJohn MillerComment

Little Ricky Segall joined The Partridge Family in the 4th season as the little boy next door. Ricky was only 4 years old when he got the part, and although his short stint on the show was brief, he walked away from this experience with a tremendous amount of opportunity going forward. His memories of being on the set of The Partridge Family and working with the other cast members are precious and heartfelt.

Ricky earned an album deal with Bell Records, thanks to Wes Farrell, who discovered the songwriting talent of Ricky’s father, Rick Segall, Sr. When We’re Singin’ offers up the memories of both father and son in a special segment discussing the album deal and the attempt to take The Partridge Family TV show into a 5th season without David Cassidy.